Karnival Tan-Nadur 2011 Photos..

Well what a success it was. The photos are up on facebook here: http://www.facebook.com/ (if you want to tag/comment on the photos please email michelle@shellsshots.com with your facebook email address or ID so I can add you… sorry you won’t be able to add/search on me directly because of problems with stalkers, but I should be able to add you.)

The evening was fun to say the least, many people in all sorts of outfits, all having fun. One thing that was very surprising to me, is many were drunk and yet there was no trouble, and only a few were silly. One guy and his poor girlfriend had passed out and was sitting in his own vomit, his girlfriend very obviously fed up, both Jez and I agreed if he had been our partner it would have been the last night he dated us. We both agreed getting drunk is ok, getting drunk in public is ok, getting so drunk you pass out in your own vomit in public is a big no-no.

On the funny side, I received one comment which surprised me and made me laugh no end… “Are you Marilyn Manson?” one girl asked…! I mean, come on are you kidding me? Here’s some photos of Marilyn Manson..

The local Goth/Alternative group was great though mostly camera shy, and I’m looking forward to partying and spending time with them.

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